Delivering World Class Success Stories –

One Delighted Customer at a Time


At Synthys Medical,  we exist to guarantee that your business thrives on the cloud . We will leave no stone unturned in assisting you in your search to find the customized cloud solution that ideally suits your needs.

We want you to have some ‘fun’ too, while we’re working together .   We won’t rule out taking you on a hang-gliding ride either   : -o   .

Value Focus

We understand that technology, including the Cloud, is not a ‘be-all’ or ‘end-all’ in itself.  Your firm doesn’t exist for the Cloud – the Cloud exists to support your firm.  This requires that we pay special attention to the economics of each and every Cloud solution and option. We will always recommend and deliver the most cost effective solution.


Excellence in Motion

The Cloud, like the business world, never stands still.  Our teams’ dynamic assessment  focus and review process, keeps an eye on all major developments associated with each of the major cloud platforms.   Our precisely recommended tool(s), from our ever expanding toolset, will  always represent the ‘Best in  Breed’ option(s) available to your firm.

Long-Term Results

Everyone wants to see short-term results.  But any firm that is focused exclusively on the short-term will always be in for a ‘rude surprise’ eventually.    Consequently, our perspective is to propose and implement solutions that ‘strike a balance’ between short term necessity and long term objectives.