Amazon Web Services(AWS)






We deliver this, & more !

Contact Us

Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)


>Auto scaling

>VM’s, based on;

*standard or custom images

>Links to;

*Simple Storage Service (S3)

*Relational Database Service (S3)






>Basic Virtual Private Server(s)

>Basic EC2, with fewer options

>Solid State Drives(SSD’s)

>DNS management

>Static IP

>Built-in SSH client




>Transfer native AWS services & infrastructure to;

*local datacenter (or)

*on-premises facility

>Two variants; 

*VMWare cloud

*AWS native options


Google Cloud Platform





We deliver this, and more !

Contact Us

Compute Engine


>VM’s on demand

>Using standard or custom images

>Authentication via OAuth 2.0

>Access via;

*Developer Console (or)

*RESTful API (or)

*Command Line (or)

Container Engine


>Kubernetes & Docker 

>Apps packaged as ‘Docker’ images

>Multiple Docker images run via Kubernetes container ‘orchestration’

>Compute Engine instances grouped together to form a ‘cluster’


*”Stateless” apps (or)

*”Stateful’ with persistent         storage

App Engine 


>Deploy web application code, ignore infrastructure

 >All instance mgmt handled by Google

 >Projects can scale to ‘0’ use quickly

 >Apps ‘sandboxed'(isloated)


 *Standard (or)


 >Python, Java, Java Virtual machine (JVM) languages







We WILL deliver the solution that you  need !

But first, we’ll be delighted to answer any and all of your questions !

   Contact Us Today !
