MISys Manufacturing
Unrivaled Capabilities and Value
MISys Manufacturing, interfacing with first class accounting packages, combines powerful assembly and inventory management tools, advanced operational reporting, and the rock-solid core accounting features, delivers unmatched operational insights and advantages. These features have made MISys Manufacturing the choice of ten thousand small/medium sized businesses worldwide. No competitor provides this level of features at this price point – anywhere in the world.

Accounting Solution Integration
MISys Manufacturing integrates seamlessly with these accounting packages;
- Quickbooks
- Sage 50
- Sage 300
- Sage Intacct
Our detailed overview of MISys Manufacturing features will cover three areas;
- Assembly Management
- Inventory Distribution Management
- Core Accounting Capabilities

Assembly Management
Advanced Bill of Materials (BOM) Processing
Users can create advanced BOM’s with a maximum of 300 components, that can be modified at any time. There is no need to create a new assembly just because some individual components have changed. Also, all BOM changes are automatically logged in an onscreen revision history.
Work Tickets
Users can track, in high detail, all of the labor and materials needed to complete assembly jobs. Due dates and projected completion times are instantaneously available.
Assembly Planning Report
Users can obtain insights, via enterprise resource planning, which displays bill of materials components for any selected assembly item and the specified number of units to assemble.
Deficient Components List for Assemblies Report
Users can instantaneously display deficient bill of material components for a selected assembly item and a specified number of assembly units.
Inventory Distribution Management Features
Track Item Detail
Users can rack extensive detail on each inventory item, such as price levels, tax types, weight, cost method, item type, etc.
Serialized Inventory Tracking
Users can assign serial numbers to specific individual inventory items when creating transactions and maintain detailed records for tracking, recall and warranty purposes. One can also track actual cost of each serialized item for more accurate profit measure.
Item Attribute Sets
Users can easily create and track inventory items in a product line by defining attributes such as size, color or any attributes you define. With this functionality, a user can automatically create and maintain Item Attribute sets, and reports and look ups will reflect this for easy cross-selling, tracking and maintaining.
Inventory Trend Analysis with the New Inventory Section
Users can track information on inventory quickly and easily, without running multiple reports. A user will be able to see the fastest/slowest selling items, as well as an inventory cost trend graph which displays revenue, cost and gross profit percent by period.
Auto-Creation of Purchase Orders based on Stocking Levels
Users can create purchase orders automatically based on minimum stock levels, re-order quantities and quantities on sales order. Manually created PO’s, caused by low inventory, are now in the past.
Buy and Sell in Multi-Quantity Units
Users will be able to purchase and sell inventory in units other than one. When it comes time to purchase components or ship finished goods, one can now set up shipping units that match the way you do business. This saves time and improves the accuracy of inventory counts.
Multiple Costing Methods
Users can gain the flexibility of tracking inventory with a choice of various costing methods including Average, LIFO (last in, first out) and FIFO (first in, first out) costing as well as specific unit costs for serialized items.
Item Sales by Customer and Purchase Order Number Report
Users can generate reports displaying item sales by purchase order number.
Stock Status by Location Report
Users can create detailed reports showing current quantities on hand, current quantities on sales orders and purchase orders, and a history of any item.

Core accounting features
Regardless of the package utilized, accounting in MISys :
- Is easy to startup & easy to learn
- Based on standard GAAP accounting
- Provides sophisticated analysis and reporting
- Provides time savers and unique customizations
Baseline accounting functions include:
- General Ledger,
- Sales Orders,
- Shipping,
- AP,
- AR,
- Finished Goods &
- Customer Service
MiSys Manufacturing
Accounting Solution + MRP = Industrial Strength Manufacturing System
Features and Features by Modules
MISys Manufacturing’s features are designed specifically for small to medium-sized manufacturing firms. All MISys customers start with Basic Manufacturing. Regardless of the compatible accounting package utilized, MISys, by linking it’s MRP capabilities with that software package, will turn your integrated solution into an “industrial strength manufacturing system.”

Basic Manufacturing
The Basic Manufacturing software provides the following features:
- Extensive tracking of manufacturing inventory and work in process (WIP).
Other systems help you maintain an inventory. MISys is designed to help you maintain ZERO inventory. Just like other inventory systems, MISys can confirm what’s in stock and where it’s located. MISys customers usually enjoy a typical savings of 25-50% in inventory and associated carrying costs (like insurance, floor space, physical management, etc.) because MISys will order only what you need, when you need it.
- Multi-level bills of material with full explosion down to 16 levels deep.
- Net-change physical inventory with cycle counting.
- Batch-oriented or direct entry of all stock transfer transactions.
- Full back-flushing of all assembly transactions.
- Choice of standard, average, LIFO, or FIFO costing methods.
- Cost adjustment with roll-up through all BOM levels.
- Work orders to document and track production activity.
- Extensive reporting using industry-standard report generator (Crystal Reports).
- Record detailed stock status for all inventoried items.
- Track inventory in multiple locations.
- Maintain inventory levels with minimum, maximum, and reorder points.
- Instantly display transaction history, where-used (BOM implosion), and outstanding order status.
- Optionally allow or prevent negative inventory levels
- Associate a unique set of general ledger accounts with a specific item, job, or location
… and much much more.
‘Customer Facing’ Linked to ‘Back Office’
MISys Manufacturing integrates seamlessly with the most popular accounting software –
- QuickBooks Online or Desktop,
- Sage 50 US,
- Sage 50 CA,
- Sage 300 and
- Sage Intacct.
Under this arrangement, the integrated accounting software package is used to manage the “front of the house”, that is, everything that is customer-facing:
- customer records,
- sales orders,
- sales inventory,
- accounts receivable,
- accounts payable,
- general ledger,
- etc.
MISys Manufacturing software is used to manage the “back of the house,” that is, everything related to manufacturing, including:
- bills of material,
- raw material inventory,
- production scheduling,
- purchasing,
- etc.
MISys maintains a subledger of all of the manufacturing costs and syncs with the accounting subledger. The transactions are fully auditable and are done automatically – no double data entry is required.

Modular Components MISys Manufacturing software is a completely modular solution. Add functionality when you need it:
MiSys Modules 1:
Advanced Purchasing : Analyze material shortages and automatically create all of the purchase orders needed to replenish inventory.
Advanced Production : Predict the cost of every job and track performance as manufacturing orders for standard assemblies or special one-off items move through the shop.
Material Requirements Planning : Determine purchasing and production needs by analyzing current inventory, open orders and sales orders to spot impending shortages and respond by creating purchase and production orders.
MiSys Modules 2
Shop Floor Control : Accurately predict production costs based on estimated material, labor, and overhead, and then analyze the actual production costs.
Serial/Lot Tracking : Track serial or lot numbers throughout the entire purchasing and production process to comply with strict regulatory agency requirements, including FDA and FAA.
Bin Tracking : Maintain a unique inventory sub-location for every item or assembly as raw materials, sub-assemblies, or finished goods in specific containers.
Labor Tracking : Track the elapsed time production workers spend on selected Jobs and Manufacturing Orders and automatically post to the Manufacturing Order.
MiSys Modules 3
Bar Coding : Print and collect bar coded data to seamlessly integrate with inventory control functions.
Custom Reporting : 150+ reports are built into MISys. Custom reports can be developed using Crystal Reports or SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
Mobile Alerts : Provides the ability to send critical alerts to smart phones or any mobile device capable of receiving wireless email messages or texts.
MISys Manufacturing EXT : Process real-time MISys transactions using ANY mobile web-based interface. Works on ANY tablet, smartphone or web-enabled device. Custom barcoding hardware is no longer required to run MISys Manufacturing.

Scalability Based on SQL Server
For maximum performance and scalability, MISys Manufacturing is built on the Microsoft SQL Server database engine. A 5-user version of SQL server is included in the baseline purchase price. For larger firms, as required, MISys Manufacturing supports hundreds of concurrent users on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and other ANSI-compliant SQL databases.

Flexible Deployment Options Including the Cloud
MISys Manufacturing can be installed as an on premise solution on a desktop PC/server or shared across a network. Alternatively, you can deploy MISys Manufacturing in the cloud by locating your server off site or using a third party provider to host both the clients and server at a secure facility that gives you anytime, anywhere access.
MISYS Manufacturing Industry/Sector Applications
The MISys Manufacturing system can be crafted to structure robust solutions for a broad range of commercial sectors, including but not limited to;
- Aerospace & Defense
- Auto Parts
- Chemicals
- Electronics
- Food & Beverage
- Health & Beauty
- Industrial Machinery
- Medical Devices
- Nutraceuticals
- Pharmaceuticals
- Plastics
- Transportation
Aerospace & DefenSe
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Material Requirements Planning
- Serial / Lot Tracking
Special Note; Serial / Lot Tracking is required by Aerospace & Defense firms to comply with strict regulatory agency requirements, including the FAA, DOD or BATF here.
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Material Requirements Planning
- Shop Floor Control
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Serial / Lot Tracking.
Special Note; Serial / Lot Tracking is required by Chemical firms to comply with strict regulatory agency requirements, including by the FAA or FDA here.
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Material Requirements Planning
Special Note; Potential Add-Ons for Electronics Manufacturers:
- Serial Lot Tracking: If you need to maintain traceability information for your components and finished products.
- Shop Floor Control: If you need to schedule and track production through multiple work centers on your shop floor.
food & beverage
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Serial / Lot Tracking
Special Note; Potential Add-Ons for Food & Beverage manufacturers:
- Material Requirements Planning: For time phased material planning that shows not only what you need, but when.
- Bar Coding: To streamline the highly data-entry intensive process of maintaining material traceability, allows you to scan all inventory transactions and associated lot numbers to keep the system live and up-to-date straight from the production floor.
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Serial / Lot Tracking
Special Note; Serial / Lot Tracking is a must-have for Health and Beauty manufacturers. Track serial or lot numbers throughout the entire purchasing and production process to comply with strict regulatory agency requirements, including FDA and NSF.
industrial machinery
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Material Requirements Planning
medical deviceS
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Material Requirements Planning
- Shop Floor Control
- Serial / Lot Tracking
Special Note; Serial / Lot Tracking is a must-have for Medical Device manufacturers. Track serial or lot numbers throughout the entire purchasing and production process to comply with strict regulatory agency requirements, including the FDA. Medical devices are classified into Class I, II, and III. Regulatory control increases from Class I to Class III.
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Material Requirements Planning
- Shop Floor Control
- Serial / Lot Tracking
Special Note; Serial / Lot Tracking is a must-have for Nutraceutical manufacturers. Track serial or lot numbers throughout the entire purchasing and production process to comply with strict regulatory agency requirements, including FDA and NSF.
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Material Requirements Planning
- Serial / Lot Tracking
Special Note; Serial / Lot Tracking is a must-have for Pharmaceutical manufacturers. Track serial or lot numbers throughout the entire purchasing and production process to comply with strict regulatory agency requirements, including the FDA.
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Material Requirements Planning
- Shop Floor Control
Likely MISYS modules
- Basic Manufacturing
- Advanced Purchasing
- Advanced Production
- Serial / Lot Tracking
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